The Tea Tygers has become
 The KeyHaus Teahouse

This website is from our BM 2023 Teahouse.

Tyger Teahouse · Folk Stage
Anger Alchemy

2:00 & Encantado
Psychedelic Foam Village
Black Rock City
Aug 27–Sept 4, 2023

“Empires shall fall and steam will rise!”

Join us for our most legendary tea temple yet,
in service to the spirit of tea,
weaving the webs of community magic,
concocting cultural alchemy,
and filling cups with open hearts.

What are we creating? 

Tyger Teahouse

Open 24/7 with tea served in numerous cultural styles. Celebrating Animalia with tiger-themed decor, costumes, and activities.

World Folk Stage

A small stage inside our teahouse will host world folk music and dance performances.

Anger Alchemy

Our Anger Alchemy project will hold space for healing our relationship to anger, through games, exercises, workshops, roleplaying, and interactive art experiences.

Tyger's Lair Camp

Looking for somewhere to call home on the playa? Want to help with our project? Join our Tyger's Lair Camp a few blocks away.